

Future. People created the nuclear energy source to make endless energy, and robots to take care of it. Once, robots got glitched and began overproducing energy, which caused climate changes and heating up of the planet. The main hero has to get through robots to get to the charger and stop it. Due the climate, ground is too hot to step on, so he tries to find bottles of the freeze liquid to cool himself down. He needs to get to the skyscraper through the city and get up to the nuclear energy source and don't overload the hazmat suit, and as he does so, turn it off.


[A] & [D] - move to the left and right
[W] - climb
[R] - restart
[M] - return to the main menu
[SPACE] - jump
[LSHIFT] - slide


Code - Ripozy & Hakashi Katake
Art - Tesstrie & Hakashi Katake
Game/Sound design - HenryLoM


Background - Daniel Kole
Main hero - Ansimuz



HotShot_Desktop 48 MB
HotShot_JamVersion 45 MB


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Not sure if it saved my score, at least it seems like I reached the end? Was send back to start and there the leaderboard showed my name but no numbers... Either way: Nice first project! Gl

Your score is saved in seconds, it was our first time figuring out leaderboard, so we had some errors at the very end. Still we fixed most of them at last minute and delivered this, thanks for the appreciation!

3 days of crunch worth it ig! first game jam ever. Sorry for any small bugs in the game guys enjoy!